D.Lgs. 231/01
"The Legislative Decree 08/06/2001 n. 231 introduced, for the first time in our judicial system, the personal and direct liability provision of the collective body for the commission of a series of crimes done by the natural persons connected to it, who have acted in the interest or to the advantage of the collective body.
Legislative Decree 231/01 establishes the employer and company responsibilities in offenses committed by its employees. In such cases, the employer can protect himself from legal action demonstrating that he has adopted and effectively implemented an organization, management and control model suitable for preventing crimes of the type occurred. First of all to avoid the involvement of the company, asking the one's liability exclusion or limitation from one of the crimes envisaged by the law, is to adopt a Code of Ethics, an adequate Organizational Model and rely on a Supervisory Body that check its implementation. The email contact of our Supervisory Body is the following: odv@isovit.com”